Plagiarism Detection
Literature references and annotations by Dick Grune,
Last update: Mon Sep 14 10:22:14 2009.
These references and annotations were originally intended
for personal use and are presented here only in the hope
that they may be useful to others.
There is no claim to completeness or even correctness.
Each annotation represents my understanding of the text
at the moment I wrote the annotation.
No guarantees given; comments and content criticism welcome.
Detection of similarities in student programs,
M.J. Wise,
SIGCSE Bulletin,
vol. 24,
pp. 268-271.
This includes references to most of the other relevant literature and
systems in use.
H.T. Jankowitz,
Detecting plagiarism in student Pascal programs,
Computer J.,
vol. 31,
pp. 1-8.
The calling tree (static execution tree) of the program is reduced to a bit
sequence, which is then used in comparisons. If a match is found, general
characteristics of the pertinent regions are collected and compared.
S. Grier,
A tool that detects plagiarism in Pascal programs,
SIGCSE Bulletin,
vol. 13,
Feb. 1981,
pp. 15-20.
Measurment of 20 general characteristics.
J.L. Donaldson,
et al.,
A plagiarism detection system,
SIGCSE Bulletin,
vol. 13,
Feb. 1981,
pp. 21-26.
Based on general characteristics.
M. Shaw,
et al.,
Cheating policy in a computer science department,
SIGCSE Bulletin,
vol. 12,
July 1980,
pp. 72-76.
Managerial aspects of plagiarism.
K.J. Ottenstein,
An algorithmic approach to the detection and prevention of plagiarism,
SIGCSE Bulletin,
vol. 8,
Dec. 1976,
pp. 30-41.
A number of "software-physics" variables are measured and compared.